AngularJS for Startups: Is It Worth It?

Technical Articles
Oleh Mykhaylovych
22 July 2016

If you are looking for the proper JavaScript framework to take your business to a new stage, AngularJS must be the very first thing to which you draw your attention. Why?

JavaScript is a powerful and long-standing product capable of handling the most difficult tasks. AngularJS is actually an advanced framework built on JavaScript. It has already become one of the most preferred tools for constructing web applications of any kind. No wonder that it is widely used by startups.

Just like any other project, AngularJS has its strong and weak points, which you must be aware of before adding this framework to your digital toolkit.

Let`s now have a more detailed look at advantages and disadvantages of using AngularJS for startup development.

AngularJS benefits

- Highly efficient data binding

The framework implements two-way binding which enables you to track any data-related changes in both the model and the view.

- Advanced DOM handling

Using AngularJS, you don`t have to manage DOM anymore: the new way of data binding helps bring all the codes and files up to date.

- Strong server operation

AngularJS is a multifunctional platform that makes your server work with lower traffic and static files only so that its performance boosts.

- New opportunities for prototyping

With Angular, application design becomes much faster. The framework relieves you from extra code writing and saves more time to develop highly functional products.

- Increased efficacy of web

Angular allows you to construct instantly reacting websites and applications and ensures fast navigation to supervise your service availability.

- Effortless product testing

The framework provides you with the number of brand-new features for end-to-end and unit testing and clearing up possible defects.

- Progressive app administering

Thanks to the MVC and MVVM patterns, it is now easy to handle the product components separately. Thus, your apps run ­­­with no problems.

- Extended abilities for code writing

AngularJS uses the set of directives to store data and control HTML pages. Moreover, programmers are able to create new directives accordingly to your business needs.

- Increased functionality of HTML templates

Your performance becomes more productive with plain HTML templates that now are being converted to code as DOM files.

- Rapid growth

Once you learn to use the full range of the AngularJS functions, your ability to manage various tasks in a short time will increase, and so your projects will flourish. st AngularJS flaws

- JavaScript is required

If you don’t work with plain HTML pages, your counterpart`s devices must support JavaScript to access your web service.

- Difficult to run without MVC knowledge

You should have the sound understanding of the MVC patterns to perform without any delay.

- Dealing with scopes is necessary

AngularJS uses scopes that a beginner might find too difficult to work with.

- Some features may be hard to comprehend

It`s gonna take some time to become familiar with new tools (like directives, dependency injections etc.).

- Browser efficiency may decrease

As the framework runs different processes simultaneously, your may need extra time to browse web pages.

- You must get used to this framework

AngularJS seems to be quite complicated at the first sight, so you will have to learn a lot of new stuff.

So, what is this all about?

As the outcome of our study, we have 10 pros VS 6 cons, which means AngularJS may become a valuable instrument for your business growth.

In fact, competent AngularJS developers strongly recommend startups testing this framework as it is able to solve multiple issues and speed your workflow up.

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