App Store Optimization: How Keywords Boost Your Mobile App

Technical Articles
Oleg Mykhaylovych
9 August 2016

Keywords are indeed a multifunctional instrument that can advance your mobile application if you understand the principles on which the web search works. Initially, you should gather all possible phrases that may refer to your market segment and check out which specific words have the highest efficiency.

There is the two-step strategy for picking up keywords that will fit your product the best. As the first, you must learn how actually regular people use keywords: what they search for and what phrases they type. As the second, you must study the keywords your competitors work with: then you will find out what impacts their traffic.

Are there any tools you can benefit from? Sure, and for each of the stages, we recommend you to work with particular implements provided by Google and App Store.

Tools by Google for keywords optimization

Let’s start with tools essential at the first phase, at which you must get the general vision for people’s behaviour during the Internet search.

Google Keyword Planner is a free AdWords tool for selecting and listing keywords, as well as for evaluating how well those perform. Moreover, it allows you to gather and interpret statistics.

Google Trends is another free tool for analyzing web search tendencies for various regions of the planet within a particular time and in any language. Using it, you will always be aware of products becoming more or less popular in your niche and, as a consequence, work out the strategy of launching your app in one or the other part of the world.

Tools by App Store for Optimization

After you get the basic information, go ahead with the tools by App Store to test and choose the right keywords for mobile app.

Sonar is provided by the MobileDevHQ app marketing platform and helps you track all significant changes in web search over the last period of time.

SensorTower is an app analytics platform designed for evaluating your accomplishments. It keeps you up to date with the users, traffic changes, reviews, and your competitors` activity.

Other tools for App Store Keywords Optimization is an online analytics tool where you can find out keywords from app store to the any app.

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