Android version of Facts application done originally with native IOS programming. Facts of the world contains thousands of facts categorized and with options to share, make favorite.
My Movies it is personal movie collection with information about each movie (title, production year, cast, audiotracks, subtitles, trailers etc.). Use...
Complex formula visual editor, not only for formulas but also for different custom data(business) objects.
Common cases like IF, CONTAINS,...
Medical management system based with web technologies as well as Silverlight.
Ability to manage all of possible information related to med...
Sun Follow is a WIndows 8 (Metro based application) that shows what percent of the day is past already. It works by default by current location of dev...
Website design for a single product page. This website was designed in order to make SPA approach for single product. Tempus is resource management an...
Shows information and plays bits of videos of funny moments. All moments were taken from old russian comedy movies.