Xamarin Studio Development Projects

Straticator on Xamarin

Facts of the world


Alternative Camera App


Xamarin Studio

Xamarin is a major development framework that allows creating cross-platform iOS, Android and Windows Phone mobile applications. Mobile apps developed with Xamarin look and feel completely native. Xamarin studio developers suggest using their own integrated development environment - Xamarin Studio. It is a cross-platform IDE working on both Mac OS X and Windows. More and more developers choose to use Xamarin Studio. It looks very simple and friendly on the surface, but underneath there is a very powerful instrument with a whole bunch of useful features like automatic code completion, advanced possibilities of navigation through projects, various refactoring mechanisms and quick-fix shortcuts, thoroughly developed debug mechanisms, and regular updates. Freeze Pro Software specialists have domain expertise allowing them to develop high quality cross-platform mobile apps with Xamarin. Our company provides best Xamarin studio services for application development. We welcome our clients to take part in the app creation process and tend to their every need. Mobile applications created in our company are carefully tested on every stage of development. Freeze Pro Software offers only the best product and high quality technical support.