MaxFortune is a custom look and feel roulette and dice roll website.
NIice and clean user interface developed:
Homepage done as landing page in 18-19th century gentleman style, with golden colors around.
My Movies it is personal movie collection with information about each movie (title, production year, cast, audiotracks, subtitles, trailers etc.). Use...
Selfieners makes you popular via battles and tournaments with others. Gain popularity across your city, country and internet. Earn badges and crowns a...
FPS Components is a website built by FreezePro Software as own product. FPS Components offers over 20 components for developers and software developme...
Front end part of large POS application. WPF based touch screen interface for point of sale.
Ability to buy goods within few touches,...
Medical management system based with web technologies as well as Silverlight.
Ability to manage all of possible information related to med...
A desktop tool for managing simple projects. Adopted for touch screen interfaces.