Tool for managing and designing data and input forms. The result of the design is generated input forms(usually web forms).
Project with code name Ulenz is about to replace native IOS/Iphone camera application, it provides own cloud to store photos and videos, tag them and ...
Complex formula visual editor, not only for formulas but also for different custom data(business) objects.
Common cases like IF, CONTAINS,...
FPS Components is a website built by FreezePro Software as own product. FPS Components offers over 20 components for developers and software developme...
Front end part of large POS application. WPF based touch screen interface for point of sale.
Ability to buy goods within few touches,...
Website that is used to show list of garage sales in your area. It utilizes Google Maps API to work with geolocation data of garage sale information.&...
GoBetGo is a regular casino and betting website, with new and modern user interface approach. GoBetGo allows to make bets or play lottery games ...