Website that is used to show list of garage sales in your area. It utilizes Google Maps API to work with geolocation data of garage sale information.
Users are able to run own sales and to act as buyers looking for appropriate sales.
Website that is used to show list of garage sales in your area. It utilizes Google Maps API to work with geolocation data of garage sale information.&...
Digital Jet built for purpose to show information like music, videos and other content. She purpose to show such kind of information at digital k...
Android version of Facts application done originally with native IOS programming. Facts of the world contains thousands of facts categorized and with ...
Tool for managing and designing data and input forms. The result of the design is generated input forms(usually web forms).
Sun Follow is a WIndows 8 (Metro based application) that shows what percent of the day is past already. It works by default by current location of dev...
Website design for a single product page. This website was designed in order to make SPA approach for single product. Tempus is resource management an...