FreezePro Software's Pioneer Product Line

28 August 2013

At FreezePro Software, we aim to help our customers build great products, and not simply outsource or out-staff to increase profits.  This is possible only because of our solid experience and hands-on participation in the overall product development cycle. Our development engineers typically have about 2 – 3 projects running simultaneously with all work monitored in-house. This ensures our quality standards are met and clients are treated with the utmost respect and priority at any time.

FreezePro Software started its outsourcing business early 2006 and began developing our own products in the late 2008. We were eager to run our very own applications that were centered on a shareware concept, but we had a lot of success delivering online services and products to software companies (mostly software components) at that time so we focused on servicing key clients before jumping into product development.

FPS Components is our very first product line that handles components of .NET technologies such as WPF, Silverlight and Windows Forms or Winforms. We sell components with a yearly subscription, and most of the components are comparable, if not better, to our competitors. We found our niche in developing unique components that were in demand at the time for touch screen software and have pioneered the market ever since.

The FPS Virtual Keyboard is our flagship product that is currently delivered with WPF, Windows Forms and Silverlight technologies. Virtual Keyboards was in high demand in terms of development for use with touch screen software such as POS terminals, medical tools, interactive kiosks and much more.

FPS Virtual Keyboard is a favorite among the FreezePro Software team and we aim to expand it to more platforms such as MAC OS and other mobile platforms. We continue to work on customer requests, and will enhance the flexibility and usability of the product from the end-user’s perspective.  

Yet another great product experience: SaaS
FPS Virtual Keyboard